Well it is that time of year when we again head to Lake Powell. We normally have 21 of us make the annual trip but this year Micah did not make the trip because he did not want to miss any of the football conditioning. I was impressed with his dedication, this is one of Micahs favorite trips. The water was 80 which still feels refreshing when the outside temp. is 100+. Some of the highlights were Riley learning to deep start on the wakeboard, not only did she learn but she went outside the wake. Riley also caught a pretty good size catfish on the "Barbie" pole. Payton drove me around that lake for hours on Pa's Jet Ski. Payton has been wakeboarding for a few years but she is getting really good at cutting accross the wake. And Mariah wakeboarded and also surfed. So here are a few pictures from our trip.
Karrie showing off her mad skills
Mariah Surfing