Friday, September 18, 2009
Vikings vs Knights
Well this week Viewmont had Northridge and there was a lot of anticipation because we had heard that Northridge was probably the best team we would play. They were unbeaten and had beat the same team Viewmont had beaten but by bigger margins. Northridge scored first and it was not looking to good but the Vikings came right back and scored twice to take a 14-7 lead into the 3rd quarter. Then the Knights scored but missed there extra point so it was 14-13. Viewmont turned the ball over and it led to another Northridge T.D. they made a two point conversion and went up 21-13 with about 7 minutes left. Viewmont got the ball back but ended up punting when they could not get a first down. The Vikings defense played great and forced the Knights to punt. With a little under 4 minutes the Vikings got the ball and drove down the field and scored with a little over 2 minutes left. On a previous play the Viking kicker had gotten hurt so Viewmont went for the 2 point conversion and the win. They got the 2 point conversion and went up 22-21 and then the defense had to not let the Knights move into field goal position. They started on the twenty and the Vikings defense shut them down. Micah had a big hit on one of there receiver causing him to fumble the ball unfortunately the ball went out of bounds. But on the next play Viewmont picked off the ball. The Vikings then just ran the clock down to 25 seconds before they had to punt. The Knight tried to hail Mary passes and they both got knocked down and the Vikings won 22-21.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Let The Games Begin
Well after practicing and working out all summer it is time once again to start the games. Micah had his first High School game on Thursday @ Weber. Micah has been working hard all summer. He started in June and even missed the annual trip to Lake Powell so he would not miss any of the football workouts. He started at cornerback on defense and wide receiver on offense. He had a great game and even caught a TD pass. Plus the only minor injury he had was a hole in his tongue because he did not put his mouthpiece in on a play and ended up getting hit and biting his tongue. The team looked really good the final score was 28-7 and they actually had one other TD called back. On the way home the bus broke down so they had to wait for a replacement bus, they did not get home until about 8:30.
Then Saturday it was game day for Payton. She is playing on a Comp. team with Davis Football Club. They have also been practicing all summer. Her game was in Mountain Green. In the first half she played forward and in the second half she was the goalie. She was awesome at goalie. Payton is fearless and throws herself on that ball when it gets close even if girls are still trying to kick it. She caught several hard shots. Her team the Yellow Jackets won 5-1.
Monday, August 17, 2009
LAKE POWELL 2009!!!!!!!
Well it is that time of year when we again head to Lake Powell. We normally have 21 of us make the annual trip but this year Micah did not make the trip because he did not want to miss any of the football conditioning. I was impressed with his dedication, this is one of Micahs favorite trips. The water was 80 which still feels refreshing when the outside temp. is 100+. Some of the highlights were Riley learning to deep start on the wakeboard, not only did she learn but she went outside the wake. Riley also caught a pretty good size catfish on the "Barbie" pole. Payton drove me around that lake for hours on Pa's Jet Ski. Payton has been wakeboarding for a few years but she is getting really good at cutting accross the wake. And Mariah wakeboarded and also surfed. So here are a few pictures from our trip.
Karrie showing off her mad skills
Mariah Surfing
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Eagles Concert!!!!!!!!

Saturday Karrie and I were lucky enough to go to the Eagles concert. The Eagles are probably some of the first music that I remember hearing growing up. I remember my Mom had an Eagles album that she played all the time. But I had never seen the Eagles live before. Now I have been to a few concerts starting when I was about 10 I went and saw KISS. I have seen bands like Def Leppard, Scorpions, Oingo Boingo, Howard Jones, Erasure, Journey, Styx, REO, etc. I think this might have been the best concert that I have ever been to. Before the concert I was wondering how a band like the Eagles who have been performing for so long, bring the energy every night. Well they were nothing short of AMAZING. Glenn Frey and Don Henley sounded incredible. I never realized how great Joe Walsh is on the guitar. They came on stage and played two of there newer songs and then for the next two hours it was all there good stuff. I don't remember a concert where every song was great. Glenn Frey was funny he came out and said "Welcome to the Eagles assisted living tour". This was there last stop in North America now they are headed to Europe for the summer. Karrie thinks we should follow them, that would be nice. I went to the concert as a casual Eagles fan and I left a FANatic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Riley Cracks Me Up!

Well two weeks ago my Dad had open heart surgery. The night before the operation I took the kids in to the hospital to see him. He had been at the hospital all day under going about every test possible.We were all feeling very anxious about the surgery. As we visited with him he was telling all of us what they were going to do to him the next day. He told us all the i.v.'s he would have including one in his neck, the tube down his throat. How they would cut open his legs to take veins out for the bypass. Then he told us how they would take a saw and cut open his chest and then spread it apart. Not a pretty picture to say the least. Well Riley was sitting on the foot of his bed just taking all of this in. As my Dad finished the gruesome details Riley looked him straight in the eyes completely serious and said "Well atleast you don't have to get a Strep. test".
A week before Riley had been to the Dr. and they swabbed the back of her throat to test for strep. It was so funny and really lightened the mood. I guess it is all about perspective.
A week before Riley had been to the Dr. and they swabbed the back of her throat to test for strep. It was so funny and really lightened the mood. I guess it is all about perspective.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Payton A-Z

Sunday was Paytons 10th birthday. Wow double digits. I can't believe she is 10 already. So here is Paytons A-Z list. When I think of Payton I think of:
A- Athletic, Adventurous, Active
B-Beautiful, Brave
C-Caring, Competitive
D-Dependable, Daring, Determined
E-Exciting, Eager
F-Fun, Fast, Fighter
G-Good, Guitar player, Girl Scout, Goal Keeper(soccer)
H-Happy, Hard headed
I- Individual, Independent
J- Jokester,
L- Laughs, Loud,Loving
M- Music(She plays the guitar and is always listening to her MP3 player)
N- Nice,
O-Outdoors, Observant
P- Polite, Perseveres, Protector, Positive
Q-Quick witted,
R- Rugged, Reliable
S- Snowboarder, Soccer, Sister, Swimmer, Strong
T- Tenacious, Teacher, Tough
U- Understanding,
V- Vacations,
W-Wake boarder, Water Skiier, Winner,
X- Xcaret where Payton and I swam with the dolphins
Y- Young
Z- Zest for life
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Spring Break Part 2
It was a fun day and we were all done by 6 p.m. We had gone on every ride we wanted to at least twice. Then on Saturday Mariah, Micah, and I went to an Angels game.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Spring Break 2009 Part 1
For spring break we packed up the Acadia and headed to Southern California and yes even Ace came along.
We drove to Las Vegas the first day about six hours. And Payton and Riley headed straight to the pool.

Then the next day we drove 3 1/2 hours in to Anaheim. The next day we headed to Six Flags. Six Flags ended up being are favorite park. They have more roller coasters and bigger and faster coasters that my kids love. Riley was able to ride most of the rides there were a few she was not tall enough for. The weather was warm (85 degrees).

The Next day we decided to take a break and the girls just wanted to hit the Pool.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Day One
Well today is the first day of our trip. Since we are flying standby we decided to take the earlier flight to New York, that way if we did not get on we could try the later flight. We so lucked out, there were plenty of seats and so we got put in FIRST CLASS WOW it was so nice to have those big seats and all the space. I have never flown first class and did not realize the difference. The Big Leather Chairs we so nice I need one in front of my T.V. at home. Not only did they lay back but the foot rest moved up and down and the had a massage option built in. We also each got our own little tv with plenty of movies and tv shows to watched. I caught an episode of "The Office". and you could also play games on the tv. I also found out that while everyone in coach is eating Pretzels, had a full meal with real plates and glass. I think I could get used to first class. So day one was a success we are in NY tonight and leave for the Domincan Republic at 7 a.m. (hopefully).
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wow 19 years!!
Karrie and I just had our 19th anniversary on the 24th. I am not sure how 19 years could go by so fast. Karrie was 19 yrs old when we started dating. Since I love to travel with Karrie and believe me I don't know anyone that likes to travel more than Karrie, I thought I would post 19 pictures of places we have loved to travel to together. In no particular order.

St. Johns (Cinnamon Bay) OK this really is one of my favorite places
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