Well two weeks ago my Dad had open heart surgery. The night before the operation I took the kids in to the hospital to see him. He had been at the hospital all day under going about every test possible.We were all feeling very anxious about the surgery. As we visited with him he was telling all of us what they were going to do to him the next day. He told us all the i.v.'s he would have including one in his neck, the tube down his throat. How they would cut open his legs to take veins out for the bypass. Then he told us how they would take a saw and cut open his chest and then spread it apart. Not a pretty picture to say the least. Well Riley was sitting on the foot of his bed just taking all of this in. As my Dad finished the gruesome details Riley looked him straight in the eyes completely serious and said "Well atleast you don't have to get a Strep. test".
A week before Riley had been to the Dr. and they swabbed the back of her throat to test for strep. It was so funny and really lightened the mood. I guess it is all about perspective.
A week before Riley had been to the Dr. and they swabbed the back of her throat to test for strep. It was so funny and really lightened the mood. I guess it is all about perspective.
I hate strep test to Riley...but something tells me that Pa's surgery was a little worse.
That is a great comment to remember. Leave it to this precious little girl to lighten the mood.
Strep tests are bad! Wonder we she got the strep from? Those people should pay!
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