O.K. I know I am no Einstein as a matter a fact I get remind by my beautiful wife that I am and I quote "sharp as a marble". But check out the spelling words Payton has this week. I had spelling words like these when I was in school the only difference is I was in High School and not a 9 year old 4th grader. I don't think I could spell all the words on her list. O.K. o.k. I know I couldn't as a matter of fact I am not sure I am pronouncing some of them correctly. But really when was the last time you had to spell the word quintessential in a sentence or even use it in conversation??? What would we do with out spell check? Seriously though I am amazed at how much kids can learn and do if just given the chance. Maybe I can still impress Riley with my knowledge of her spelling words? After all how hard could 2nd grade spelling be, right?????
You are joking!!!! I have a hard enough time helping Emily study for her tests in High School.....she makes fun of me because I can't pronounce half the words I am testing her on......I think our kids are smarter than we are. Scary!!!
I know Payton thinks she is smarter than us....I'll test her on her words from now on Troy...so you don't have to be embarrassed. (did I spell that right?)
They stopped having spelling in 6th grade now because of spell check- for real. Or at least they did last year. Instead they worked on the meaning/root meaning and origin of words- to help with testing later in life.
I CANNOT believe these words... I swear they weren't that bad when chloe was in 4th grade- what in the world is going on over there??
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