Thursday, October 23, 2008

Soccer In Mountain Green

Well tonight was Payton's last road game until the spring. Karrie now being in the Stake YW's had to go to a meeting tonight and give a talk. So it was just Payton, her friend Megan and me. We had to be in Mountain Green at 5 so we left about 4:15 and I was worried about traffic and although there were a lot of cars we were always driving at 70 I think the Legacy Highway is really helping. It was not to cold when we left our house but I told Payton to wear her under armor and she was glad she did. We got up in those mountains and the wind was blowing and it was cold,there is snow on the peaks. Payton played a really good game and her team won 1-0.

1 comment:

Karrie said...

Sorry I missed it...but glad I didn't have to freeze