Monday, October 27, 2008

Soccer night with the girls!

Friday was a busy but fun day. After the swim meet Karrie and I had told Payton and Riley that we would take them to the U of U women's soccer game. Payton had received five tickets from the soccer league that she plays in and since it was not cool enough for Micah and Mariah we let the girls take a friend. I thought it might turn into one long night (soccer + cold weather = long cold night). But I was surprised the soccer was actually fun to watch. I guess the only soccer I have really watched is the little kids and to see these college teams play I was impressed with how athletic they are and how fast the game moved. It wasn't very crowded so we got good seats. We stayed warm with a few blankets and a hot chocolate run at halftime. It was a good game the UTES won 4-3. At the end of the game the girls got to go down on the field and make a tunnel for the players to run through, now that is something you could not do at a U of U football game. They also got to run around on the field and Payton just happened to have her soccer ball with her, imagine that.

1 comment:

Everyday Sparkles said...

Payton . . . our little family soccer star and future Olympian. Stated here first for the record. Go Payton Go! Sounds like a fun night to get inspired.